7   Invoice

Create and Update Invoice

Convert Quotation to Invoice


In your quotation detail page, click “Action” from top right and select “Create Invoice” from dropdown list.
  • Step 1: Click “Action” dropdown menu
  • Step 2: Click “Create Invoice” from the dropdown list


You will then be redirected to New Invoice page, where the customer details and items from quotation retain. You can review the invoice details and click “Create” to generate a new invoice.
  • Step 1: Check and update your invoice details
  • Step 2: Click “Create” to create a new invoice or “Save As Draft” if you would like to update the invoice later

Create Invoice


Select “Invoices” from left menu. In the Invoices page, click “Add new Invoice” button on top right.
  • Step 1: Click “Add New Invoice” to proceed


In Add New Contact page, fill up the necessary field.
  • Step 1: Select customer from the dropdown list
  • Step 2: Update and modify invoice details
  • Step 3: Add title for your invoice
  • Step 4: Add items for your invoice and fill up the details, unit and price.
  • Step 5: Add special notes for your customer
  • Step 6: Click “Save” to create invoice or “Save As Draft” to update the invoice later


If you are first time in creating Invoice, you will see a confirm message pop up.
  • Step 1: Check this box if you want to skip this step next time
  • Step 2: Click “Yes” to email customer or “No need” to return to dashboard


Notification on top indicate the success of record creation.
  Notification box indicate the success of record created.

Update Invoice


To update your invoice, go back to Invoice page, click the invoice that you want to update.
  • Step 1: Click Invoice that you would like to update


Update your invoice details and click “Save”, and you have successfully update your invoice record.
  • Step 1: You will see the success update notification message appear after save the updated records
  • Step 2: Update the invoice details
  • Step 3: Click “Save” to proceed


You can do a quick update of invoice status to “Paid” or “Not Paid” from Invoices page.
  • Step 1: Click “Cleared” button to change status to “Paid”. Click “Revert” to change the status to “Not paid”
  • Step 2: After you click the action button, a confirmation screen will pop up. Click “Yes” to confirm and proceed with the changes